Oversized Giraffe Skin: 395 x 330 cm
A large giraffe skin, 155.51 in. (with tail) x 129.92 in.
Taxidermy Giraffe Calf - 1.3m Height
Taxidermy giraffe calf, height 1.3m
Mounted Giraffe Skull on Metal Stand - 70cm Length
Adult mounted giraffe skull in two sections, mounted on metal stand, length 27.56 in.
Giraffe Print Floor Rug
A large giraffe skin floor rug
Masai Giraffe Taxidermy Head and Neck - 262cm Length
A large taxidermied head and neck of an adult East African Masai giraffe. Length 103.15 in.
Giraffe Skin Tapestry: 390 x 330 cm
A giraffe skin on felt backing. Length 153.54 in. Width 129.92 in.
Shoulder-Mounted Male Bull Giraffe, 3m Height
African taxidermy male bull giraffe, shoulder mounted, height 3m
African Bull Giraffe Shoulder Mount - 237 cm Height
A wonderful African bull giraffe, shoulder mount. Height 93.31 in.
African Bull Giraffe Skin Rug - 440x302cm
An African bull giraffe skin rug. Height 173.23 in. Width 118.90 in.
Grand Giraffe Pedestal Mount - 266 cm
A magnificent bull giraffe pedestal mount, full head and neck mounted on large pedestal. Height 104.72 in.