Kley & Hahn Bisque Doll with Red Wig
Kley & Hahn bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes (missing teeth) red nylon wig on ball jointed composition body 22.83 in., special Germany
K&H Bisque Baby Doll with Brown Eyes and Mohair Wig
Kley & Hahn bisque character baby doll, brown eyes with lashes open/closed mouth with two top teeth brown mohair wig on 5 piece bent limb body with thumb sucking hands 12.60 in., marked K & H 167-1
Antique Kley & Hahn Bisque Doll with Mohair Wig
Possible Kley & Hahn bisque shoulder plate doll, brown stationary eyes open/closed mouth with dome head short mohair wig on jointed kid leather body with bisque hands 15.35 in., marked 166 - 6 with some antique costume
Antique German Bisque Doll, Circa 1900
Antique Kley & Hahn Special German bisque doll, Circa 1900,with original wig unattached, sleep glass eyes and ball-jointed body, with impressed marks to back of neck, in original clothes, height 23.23 in.
Special German Doll, Blue Eyes, Brown Wig, Jointed Body
Kley & Hahn Doll, blue stationary eyes, light brown mohair wig on jointed body 22.44 in., marked Special Germany
Kley & Hahn Bisque Doll, Blue Eyes, 62cm
Kley & Hahn bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, brown nylon wig on ball jointed composition body 24.41 in. marked 62 special Germany